domenica 27 novembre 2011

Appeal-Syria no War-Appeal urgent to stop Foreign Military Intervention in Syria and to restore human rights and respect for legality - Peacelink

Urgent Appeal to Stop Foreign Military Intervention in Syria and to restore human rights and respect for legality. Petizione internazionale urgente alle Nazioni Unite sostenuta da diverse organizzazioni non governative umanitarie e a difesa dei diritti umani.

Syria NO WAR
Urgent Appeal to Stop Foreign Military Intervention in Syria
and to restore human rights and respect for legality

We, the undersigned non-governmental, human rights, and humanitarian organizations, urge you to mobilize the United Nations and the international community to take immediate action to halt any foreign military intervention against Syria, and instead, to act in good faith for a true mediation. Time is of the essence. We ask to act in good faith in favor of a true and peaceful mediation.
Over the past few months we have observed a steadily increasing media campaign that presents a partial and unverified account of what is happening in Syria. The same thing occurred in the lead-up to foreign intervention in the case of Libya as well.
We know that there are violent clashes between government troops and the armed insurgents of the self-proclaimed “Syria Liberated Army” with bases in Turkey, near the Syrian border. And we know that such conflicts are provoking an enormous death toll among civilians as well. Innocent civilians are the first victims of every conflict. It therefore seems clear that in Syria both armed sides bear responsibilities.
But external military interference is absolutely not the way to protect civilians and human rights.


1) the proposed so-called "humanitarian military intervention" in Syria is by far the worst option and can claim no legitimacy whatsoever; protection of human rights is not obtained through armed intervention;
2) indeed, recent history shows that the inevitable results of foreign armed intervention are massive human rights violations, as in Libya;
3) smuggling weapons into an area of conflict only fuels a "civil" war and must be stopped;
4) the Libyan scenario must not be allowed to take place in Syria, i.e. a “no-fly zone” which turns into direct military intervention followed by massacres and massive human rights violations.


1) a ceasefire on both sides and neutral mediation between the parties: we remind that a proposal made by some Latin American countries from the Alba group seems to be welcomed also by the non-armed opposition
2) action to stop foreign military and political interference in Syria aimed at destabilizing the country (and possibly the entire region);
3) reinstatement of Syria into the Regional Block;3) a halt to current sanctions which are harming civilians;
4) an international investigative mission by neutral countries and organizations to ascertain the truth about the conditions of life in Syria;
5) an investigation by neutral international observers into the accusations and news reports coming out of Syria and which at present it has not been possible to verify.

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